National Green Theatres Programme
The national Centre for Sustainable Delivery has been commissioned to lead the Green Theatres Programme and support clinical involvement in environmental matters at Board level.
The national Green Theatres Programme is a key element of the Scottish Government’s Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy 2022 – 2026.
It aims to reduce the carbon footprint of theatres across NHS Scotland and enable more environmentally sustainable care by:
- Working with clinicans and professionals to develop actions that reduce carbon emissions.
- Supporting Boards to implement, measure and report on these improvements.
Theatres are high carbon and energy intensive areas that produce high volumes of waste. Reducing the environmental impact of theatres will make a positive difference toward Scotland's net zero targets.
Programme aims
NHS Scotland will benefit greatly from reducing the environmental impact of theatres. By introducing achievable actions we will:
- Reduce the carbon footprint / emissions of theatres across NHS Scotland.
- Save costs or become cost neutral.
- Improve patient experience.
- Improve staff experience.
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