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The Perioperative Delivery Group (PDG) has been established to ensure a national approach to: 

  • maximising flow through perioperative services,
  • maximising productive time in theatres, and
  • reducing the time patients wait for perioperative services

The Perioperative Delivery Group brings together key multidisciplinary stakeholders to deliver the implementation of established approaches including existing programmes of work such as Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), Active Clinical Referral Triage (ACRT) and Discharge Patient Initiated Review (Discharge PIR), share best practice and table, discuss and implement proposals for new and innovative approaches to care.  


This group works collectively and collaboratively to develop and agree a set of national principles for perioperative services to support the provision of high quality, safe, effective, person-centred, sustainable perioperative care for the people of Scotland. 

Task and Finish Groups

Perioperative Team Development

The Perioperative Team Development group will review current training and education opportunities and practices to determine the requirements for developing high-performing perioperative teams and make recommendations for further improvements and shared learning. 

Preoperative Assessment

The Preoperative Assessment group will standardise the pathway for patients in Scotland from the point of surgical decision to treat through to completing the pre-assessment process. 

Protecting Planned Care

The Perioperative Protecting Planned Care group will identify ways of working that will allow for planned elective surgery to continue, whilst supporting unscheduled care demand. 


The Perioperative Scheduling group will review current scheduling processes and practices and make recommendations for further improvement.