Ear, Nose and Throat
The Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Specialty Delivery Group (SDG) includes nominated representation from all NHS Scotland Boards providing ENT Services in Scotland, including a cross section of the subspecialties within ENT.
We have made considerable progress implementing Active Clinical Referral Triage (ACRT) including Opt-in pathways and Discharge Patient Initiated Review (PIR) and this remains a focus.
National resources are available via the Specialty Delivery Group for the following conditions:
- Anosmia Opt-in
- Otitis Externa Opt-in
- Globus Opt-in
- Nosebleeds Opt-in
- Hole in eardrum Opt-in
- Unexplained ear pain Opt-in
The SDG also provides the opportunity to share examples of local resources not yet developed into national consensus documents (e.g. tinnitus, facial pain).
For further details on any of the above, please contact: gjnh.cfsdmpppsac@nhs.scot
We are developing standardised training materials for ENT Nurse Practitioners, Allied Health Practitioners and Physician Associates.
The SDG provides a forum for sharing new ways of working in ENT, including increased used of asynchronous appointments and self-monitoring (e.g. via ConnectMe).
We are continuing to develop measurements to ensure these programmes have the desired benefits for our patients. This includes bespoke data capture to support implementation of processes such as ACRT, Discharge PIR and Opt-in and increased use of the CfSD Heatmap data collection.