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Improve efficiency and productivity across NHS Scotland

The radiology team have worked with Boards to implement a self assessment system to identify local opportunities to improve efficiency and productivity. This includes the establishment of a system to submit monthly scorecard data. The team have then worked with Boards on an individual basis to develop and agree improvement plans based on the scorecard data. 

This work has helped Boards to achieve significant improvements in waiting times. Over the last year, the total waiting list was reduced by approximately 6%, while the number of patients waiting more then 6 weeks has been reduced by approximately 11%. 

The team have also supported the redesign of existing pathways and helped to facilitate learning across Boards. Over the last year, the team have provided advice around protocols and updating of the GP access to Computerised Tomography CT) document. 

The team are also developing a National Delivery Plan for Radiology, which will help support Boards to deliver year on year reductions in waiting times.  

Expand Cardiac Computerised Tomography to all Boards 

The team have worked with 2 Boards to establish a regular CT cardiac service which will enable more examinations to be performed and provide the service for patients in their local Board. The learning from this work will then be used to help develop the service in further Boards. 

Develop specialist training workforce 

The team have worked in close partnership with the NHS Scotland Academy to support the National Imaging raining Programme (NITP). It aims to increase the national Ultra Sound capacity across NHS Scotland by supporting Boards to train ultra- sonographers.  

The main benefit of the NITP course is a significant reduction in training time.  Over the last year, 11 new students successfully completed the course, resulting in an additional 6,350 patients scanned, which has helped to reduce current waiting lists.