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Priority 5 - National Green Theatres Programme

Improve and evidence environmental sustainability across NHS Scotland (starting with implementation of green theatre actions) 

Responsible Team: National Green Theatres Programme    

Development of Green Theatres programme and governance 

During the year, the team revised the Programme governance arrangements. This included a review of the membership and Terms of Reference for the Programme Board and Specialty Delivery Group to ensure that they both had clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and were capable of providing the necessary expertise and support.  The new arrangements have now been approved and implemented.   

Continue to implement carbon saving actions and support Boards to implement 

The Programme team has successfully developed and published 10 actions for Boards to adopt and implement.  These include actions are around reusable drug and equipment trays; rationalising single-use patient warming devices; and switching-off non-productive energy-consuming devices.  When implemented this will result in an estimated saving of 20,000 tonnes of CO2, and a projected £9m green dividend. 

Implement Green Map to support progress and demonstrate impact across NHS Scotland

The team have developed a national green measurement plan to help measure the impact of their work.  This required the team to work closely with the Boards to agree the content of the measurement plan and to deploy it nationally.  Most Boards have now successfully implemented the process and are providing regular measurement plan updates.  The team will continue to revise and refine the measurement plan over the next year.  

Development of national Green Theatre Design 

The team are carrying out work to help inform the future construction and refurbishment of theatre buildings in order to ensure they comply with sustainable best practice.  During the year, the team have carried out engagement with a range of Subject Matter Experts in order to carry out initial scoping for this project.  Over the next year, the team will carry out more detailed analysis and project planning. 

Explore opportunities to harness innovation and research in partnership with academia and industry

The team have engaged with Universities in order to explore areas where appropriate supporting research can be carried out, and to identify opportunities for publication around the current work being carried out by the team.  

The Clinical Lead for the Programme was featured in Time magazine, which provided a high-profile opportunity to highlight the impact and work of the programme. In addition, the Clinical Lead also won the European sustainable healthcare project of the year.