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Cancer Improvement and Earlier Diagnosis Work Plan

Strategic Priority 4

Reduce the proportion of later-stage cancers (stage 3 and 4) diagnosed over the next 10 years, with a focus on those from areas of deprivation. 

National Reporting and Strategic Oversight   

Feed into first annual report publication of Cancer Strategy (2023-2033).  

Refresh Earlier Cancer Diagnosis Programme Board, including new Chair.  

Regularly update key stakeholders on progress of the Cancer Action Plan (2023-2026). 

Framework for Effective Cancer Management (FECM) 

Continue to meet with Boards’ Cancer Management Teams regularly to ensure the FECM is embedded and patients are diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible.  

Explore innovative solutions to cancer pathway challenges and share best practice shared from other areas. 

Boards will develop FECM Action Plans detailing how they are embedding the 8 key elements of the Framework.  

Review and update the FECM in 2024. 

Work with Boards to develop a cancer backlog clearance plan. 

Support Boards to implement their cancer improvement plans. 

Detect Cancer Earlier Programme 

The Detect Cancer Earlier Programme includes 5 large-scale work streams that will deliver key elements of the strategy, as set out below. 

Public education/ empowerment 

Delivery of multi-faceted DCE communications strategy. 

Publish independent behavioural tracking to evaluate social marketing activity. 

Implementation of DCE marketing, public relations and stakeholder engagement activity. 

Evaluate campaign performance and use learning for continuous improvement. 


Expand network of Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services (RCDS). 

Agree RCDS data-set publication (format and frequency).  

Support implementation of published optimal cancer diagnostic pathways (lung and head and neck), including feeding into best practice repository. 

Support the University of Edinburgh to deliver the second year research of LungSCOT (2024). 

Develop and publish optimal colorectal diagnostic pathway. 

Support delivery of the national Endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) and bronchoscopy training programme via the NHS Scotland Academy. 


Support publication of more timely staging data.  

Work with Public Health Scotland (PHS) to publish validated Urgent Suspicion of Cancer (USC) referral data. 

Clarify proxy measures for earlier diagnosis ambition (particularly for blood and brain cancers).  

Work with PHS to agree frequency and format for routinely publishing cancer diagnosis via emergency presentation data. 


Work with Scotland’s 2 innovation test beds to support development of Chest X-Ray Artificial Intelligence value case to the Innovation Design Authority (IDA). 

Review evidence from Cancer Research UK’s Test, Evidence, Transition (TET) projects in NHS Scotland and advise on wider adoption. 

Provide advice to external key stakeholders and organisations, including the third sector, to help direct wider cancer innovation efforts undertaken in Scotland. 

Primary Care 

Undertake clinical review of Scottish Referral Guidelines (SRGs) for Suspected Cancer, including organisation of peer review events.  

Consider the potential role for community pharmacists to support earlier diagnosis efforts. 

Support roll-out of new education solution for primary care clinicians in Scotland.