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Programme Work Plans

The CfSD work plan for 2024/2025 includes individual work plans for all national programmes.

It also includes a set of overarching deliverables that are aligned with the CfSD Objectives set out above, with all Programme Teams will work towards. 

Clinical Leadership Model 

Providing robust, credible clinical leadership is key to ensuring that CfSD can support effective and sustainable transformation across NHS Scotland.   

CfSD ensures that all improvement work is clinically-led. This includes national clinical leads who provide specific expertise and understanding around their speciality or improvement area, and CfSD National Associate Clinical Directors who ensure that the improvement work takes a whole system approach that is aligned with broader improvement and recovery of NHS Scotland and a national approach. 

Speciality Delivery Groups 

Speciality Delivery Groups (SDGs) are designed to bring together key multidisciplinary stakeholders from across Scotland, including both clinical and operational leadership. This provides a practical mechanism for ensuring the CfSD Clinical Leadership Model is applied and adopted across NHS Scotland. 

The SDGs are designed to enable clinically-led, locally relevant service redesign and transformation that is capable of addressing key challenges within a specific speciality or improvement area. 

Board Engagement 

CfSD Champions have been embedded within each territorial Health Board. They act as a key conduit between the local Boards and CfSD.  They are designed to help facilitate relationships between CfSD and local operational teams and to support the implementation of improvement opportunities within their local Board.   

To support this process, there are regular Board engagement meetings between senior CfSD staff and the local CfSD champions to highlight additional improvement opportunities and identify solutions to any current challenges. 

Promoting and Embedding Best Practice 

All CfSD Programme Teams have a focus on developing and delivering best practice to support the delivery of care, and ensuring best practice is embedded across NHS Scotland. This includes work designed to deploy and optimise national pathways across Scotland, and to balance national service capacity with current demand for services. 

Primary/ Secondary Care Engagement 

CfSD works closely with primary care stakeholders to help build and sustain stronger relationships between primary care and secondary care. This includes identifying opportunities to implement and improve person-centred pathways and other innovations and improvements across primary and secondary care. 

Provision of Strategic Advice 

CfSD will work collaboratively with Health Boards and other key stakeholders to provide the Scottish Government with aggregated advice and analysis relating to national improvement actions, opportunities and themes. This will help inform the development of national plans to support planned care, unscheduled care and other key areas across NHS Scotland. 

Share, promote and publish knowledge and achievements 

All Programme Teams will identify and explore opportunities to promote and share their knowledge and achievements, both nationally and internationally. This will help to promote CfSD and NHS Scotland, and will promote and facilitate the adoption of best practice both nationally and within other health care systems.