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The abbreviations below are used in our Annual Plan.

ACRT - Active Clinical Referral Triage 

AMU - Acute Medical Unit 

ANIA - Accelerated National Innovation Adoption 

ARHAI - Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infection 

CCE - Colon Capsule Endoscopy 

CfSD - Centre for Sustainable Delivery 

CGS - Community Glaucoma Service 

CT – Computer Tomography 

DCAQ - Demand Capacity Activity Queue 

DCE - Detect Cancer Earlier 

DoCA - Day of Care Audits 

EBUS - Endobronchial Ultrasound 

ED - Emergency Department 

ENT - Ears, Nose and Throat 

EPIC - Emergency Physician in Charge 

EPR - Electronic Patient Record 

ERAS - Enhanced Recovery After Surgery 

ERS - Endoscopy Reporting System 

FECM - Framework for Effective Cancer Management 

FN - Flow Navigation 

FORM - Focus on Referral Management 

H@H - Hospital at Home 

HES - Hospital Eye Services 

HSCP - Health and Social Care Partnership 

IDA - Innovation Design Authority 

ISBCS - Immediate Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery 

MDU - Medical Devices Unit 

MPP - Modernising Patient Pathways 

NECU - National Elective Coordination Unit 

NES - NHS Education for Scotland 

NHS - National Health Service 

NOD - National Ophthalmology Data 

NSS - National Services Scotland 

NTC - National Treatment Centre 

NUTP - National Ultrasound Training Programme 

OPAT - Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Therapy 

PHS - Public Health Scotland 

PIR - Patient Initiated Review 

PROMS - Patient Reported Outcome Measures 

qFIT - Quantitative Faecal Immunochemical Test 

RCDS - Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services 

SAP - Scottish Arthroplasty Project 

SAS - Scottish Ambulance Service 

SDGs - Speciality Delivery Groups AND Strategic Delivery Groups (latter in UC section). 

SG - Scottish Government 

SHFA - Scottish Hip Fracture Audit 

SHTG - Scottish Health Technologies Group 

SHTM - Scottish Health Technical Memoranda 

SNAP - Scottish National Audit Programme 

SRGs - Scottish Referral Guidelines 

TET - Test, Evidence, Transition 

TNE - Transnasal Endoscopy 

ToRs - Terms of Reference 

UC - Unscheduled Care